Best Camera Lenses in 2024

Best Camera Lenses in 2024

Welcome to our guide on ​the best camera lenses of 2024! As technology continues ⁣to advance, camera lenses have become increasingly sophisticated, offering photographers and⁤ videographers ​unparalleled image quality and⁤ versatility.‌ Whether you are ⁢a professional or an amateur, having the⁣ right lens can make a significant difference in capturing unforgettable moments. In this article, we will explore the top five camera⁣ lenses in 2024,⁤ their features, pros, and cons, helping you ‌make an informed decision for your photography needs.

Which Camera Lenses Should You Buy?

Choosing the right camera lens can be overwhelming with the​ multitude of options available. However, considering factors such as image quality, focal length, versatility, and price can help narrow down your⁣ choices. The best camera lenses in 2024⁤ offer exceptional image resolution, low-light capabilities, and⁤ a wide range of ⁤focal lengths, allowing photographers to capture stunning photos in various scenarios. Read on to discover our top picks!

Top 5 Best Camera Lenses in 2024

1. Sigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens for Sony E (402965) Black

Sigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens for Sony E (402965) Black



Product Dimensions3.6 x 2.8 x 2.8 inches
Item Weight14.3 ounces
Item model number402965
Is Discontinued By ManufacturerNo
Date First AvailableNovember 10, 2017

  • Compatible with Sony E mount cameras
  • Perfect for nature & event photography
  • Large f/1.4 aperture for superb lowlight performance
  • Compact size makes it very portable
  • Fully accommodates Fast Hybrid AF

User reviews

Superb quality for price. Great Nighttime photography too. This is a very good lens no doubt. More so for the price. I'm a photography enthusiast and all those pictures were taken with this lens on the Sony ZVE-10 within less than a month of my getting into photography. One big thing about this lens is that is unexpectedly very good in low light. Clearly, its very low aperture of f1.8 makes it collect much light and consequently have better nighttime performance but still, the images that this lens outputs at night are simply shockingly stunning. The only major challenge you can have with this at night is the dynamic range of your camera.I'm very big on bokeh and this lens does perform - albeit not well enough for me. The bokeh is quite decent if the object in focus is close enough (although for portraits, your subject can feel invaded because of the proximity that will be required to get the best bokeh). From my use, I found that it has very unnoticeable to no chromatic aberration in almost all situations & it has a fair bit of distortion but it's nothing that can't be easily fixed in post-production if you are shooting raw.The fact that it is a wide-angle lens means it's able to capture a lot at once as you can see in some of those nighttime pictures in a performance. That said, this is a very capable and fairly flexible lens. It can handle both wide-angle shots & night-time photography well with good results (although not the best) when taking portraits.Because I'm big on portraits and would be primarily using it with my camera to record a human subject, I decided to return this go for its other sibling - the Sigma 30mm. I can expect better bokeh and portrait shots from that with similar night performance although poorer chromatic aberration overall. Nonetheless, even with the shortcomings of this lens, it is still a very good one and most definitely a great value for its price.
Stunning Quality. The Sigma 16mm lens is an outstanding piece of equipment that I have been using for the past three years, and I can confidently say that it's one of the best lenses I have ever owned. It's a prime lens that offers a wide-angle view that's perfect for capturing stunning landscapes, architecture, and cityscapes.One of the things I love most about this lens is its exceptional optical quality. The images captured are sharp, with excellent contrast and vivid colors. The lens produces sharp images, even in low-light conditions, which is a testament to its impressive f/1.4 aperture.The build quality of the lens is also top-notch. It feels very sturdy in hand, and it's clear that it's built to last. The lens mount is made of metal, which gives me confidence that it won't wear out easily.The lens is also lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry around and travel with. Its autofocus is also accurate and quick, which makes it a reliable choice for capturing fast-moving subjects.Overall, I can confidently say that the Sigma 16mm lens is a must-have for any photographer who loves capturing wide-angle shots. It's a high-quality lens that produces exceptional images, and its build quality is excellent. I would highly recommend this lens to anyone looking for a reliable wide-angle lens. It's a five-star product that has never let me down.
Incredible, beautiful photos. First of all, I never write reviews for anything. But I got this lens and was like: everybody needs to know how good this is.My primary purpose for it is mostly going to be real estate photography. It’s a beautifully wide angle without a ton of distortion - compared to my old 18mm, this one actually seemingly has less. I had a 14mm that was just a little too wide and a 20 that was not wide enough. Definitely think this one is the middle ground I’ve been envisioning.I will say it is the heaviest lens I own, but that doesn’t bother me at all since I use a tripod for most of my work. I actually like how durable it feels.The bokeh is delicate and soft and it’s very cool that it gets all the way up to 1.4 vs 1.8. But the biggest seller for me on this is how SHARP it is. Unbelievably crisp. I’m so happy I invested in it. Sigma did some incredible work again. If you’re on the fence, get the lens.
Stunning value. This is a fantastic prime lens and generally considered the best value everyday prime for Sony a6000-series cameras.I had originally bought the 30mm version of this lens and got a bad copy, so it was years before I succumbed to the fabulous reviews and got this for my a6300. It's outstanding.With the kit lens, I found myself taking a LOT of shots indoors at 16mm, so getting a fast 16mm prime (24mm equiv) made a lot of sense. Just set your minimum shutter to 100s and don't worry about its lack of OSS if you don't have IBS.Focusing is fast, it feels good in the hand, the bokeh is lovely, and of course its extremely sharp. If you are like me and bought a 50mm as your first APS-C prime out of habit (and value), and realized it's 75mm equiv is too long for everyday shooting, this lens is for you.With this focal length, closeups are distorted as wide-angle, but take a couple steps back and environmental portraits make for normal heads. I spent so much time trying to get two people into the frame with my 50mm its relaxing to have so much more view to work with.I do shoot at 1.4 alot, but keep in mind this is a very narrow DOF so you will want to use eye auto-focus for portraits. Shooting multiple faces, I will open it up to 1.7-2.8 as needed to keep everyone reasonably in focus.On my a7-II , this is a 24MP 16mm lens with a vignette (have to remove the hood to minimize this), or 10MP 24mm in APS-C mode (which are largely indistinguishable from the a6300 24MP shots).All in all, this lens lives up to its reputation as an unbeatable value everyday performance prime.
Lente muita boa, superou minhas expectativas. Principalmente em relação ao foco.
definitely one of my favourite wide lenses. The bokeh is pretty nice, the picture quality i would say is ok. I prefer using my stock lens to take photos with it, but the video quality is good. However there are cheaper lenses so I would recommend doing research before purchasing this expensive lens.
Une commande passée après quelques recherches sur cette optique bien notée sur de nombreux sites. Le prix sur Amazon étant très correct j’ai opté pour l’acheter car j’étais impatient de le recevoir. Et la livraison fut très rapide, livré le dimanche j’ai pu immédiatement l’essayer sur mon FX30.Il n’est pas si imposant que ça, je le trouve même assez discret et pas lourd par rapport aux autres optiques Sony que j’ai en ma possession. Assez sharp il offre un beau piqué. L’autofocus est bon mais pas au même niveau que sur les objectifs de la marque, mais il fait le taf et personnellement je ne le trouve pas bruyant. J’adore le fait qu’il ne déforme pas l’horizon et qu’il soit aussi lumineux. Je suis impatient de m’en servir en tournage.
Prima di parlare dell'Obiettivo in se è giusto parlarvi del motivo che mi ha spinto ad acquistare questo obiettivo SIGMA 16 mm tra i tantissimi Obiettivi in Vendita sul Mercato cosi da portarvi nel mio viaggio durato mesi, condividendo con voi tutta la mia esperienza diretta in merito.Tutto è iniziato perchè mi serviva un Obiettivo tutto fare per la mia Sony A6400, un Obiettivo che fosse in grado di soddisfare ogni mia esigenza di Content Creator e Streamer cosi ho deciso di studiare con attenzione ogni possibile Obiettivo sul Mercato per decidere quale fosse il Miglior Acquisto possibile in Assoluto in termini di Qualità/Prezzo e Durabilità del Prodotto Stesso.Ho preso cosi seriamente la cosa che ci ho impiegato un intero mese per completare le mie ricerche su ogni singolo obiettivo compatibile con la mia Sony A6400, studiando tutti gli Obiettivi Kit della A6400, ogni singolo Obiettivo Firmato Sony e tutti gli Obiettivi Custom di Aziende Importanti del Settore, ma nonostante io abbia letto centinaia di Recensioni su Siti Italiani ed Internazionali tra le poche costanti che vi erano in tutte le recensioni la costante più evidente era un nome che continuava a comparire, SIGMA.Per chi non conoscesse l'azienda in questione la Sigma Corporation è un'azienda Giapponese fondata il 9 settembre 1961 a Tokyo da Michihiro Yamaki e produce Essenzialmente macchine fotografiche, obiettivi, flash e altri accessori Fotografici, se siete Fotografi Professionisti conoscete già l'Azienda in questione ma sono sicuro che anche i Neofiti ne avranno già sentito parlare poichè essa è una delle Aziende più rinomate al mondo per quanto riguarda temi quali Videomaking e Fotografia ed è sinonimo di indubbia affidabilità, qualità e professionalità Storica.Dopo aver completato le mie ricerche ero finalmente giunto ad una conclusione, il mio Obiettivo sarebbe stato un SIGMA senza ombra di dubbio, ma un dubbio risolto ne ha fatto nascere uno ancora più grande ovvero " Va bene che deve essere un SIGMA, ma quale tra i tanti? ".A questo dilemma avrei potuto rispondere relativamente facilmente, mi bastava capire esattamente per cosa volessi utilizzare l'Obiettivo e perchè, cosi ho iniziato a chiedermi esattamente cosa avrei fatto con il nuovo Obiettivo e quali progetti futuri avrei potuto realizzare grazie a quest'ultimo e all'improvviso sono arrivato senza nemmeno accorgermene ad un'immediata conclusione, avrei assolutamente preso un Grandangolare.Una volta scelto la tipologia dell'Obiettivo SIGMA che avrei acquistato mi son ritrovato con un solo nome come possibile scelta, un Obiettivo che veniva lodato da chiunque lo avesse Acquistato con 5 stelle in ogni Sito esistente nel mondo, il SIGMA 16 mm f 1.4.FINALMENTE sapevo cosa dovevo comprare, l'Obiettivo perfetto era prossimo ad essere mio ma non era cosi semplice da reperire ed il costo relativamente Basso essendo un simile Obiettivo era comunque una somma non semplice da affrontare per un ragazzo alle prime armi come il sottoscritto, cosi ho atteso qualche mese sperando ogni giorno di svegliarmi e trovare il SIGMA 16 mm F 1.4 scontato su Amazon, pronto ad essere Acquistato con Spedizione PRIME e per mia fortuna grazie al PRIME Day è stato proprio cosi. Non appena ho visto il SIGMA 16 mm scontato l'ho insta Acquistato senza nemmeno pensarci un istante, rendendo finalmente questo Obiettivo Leggendario definitivamente Mio.Inutile dirvi che per un ragazzo che fa un'acquisto simile l'emozione è tanta e la sera prima che mi arrivasse il SIGMA 16 mm non ho chiuso occhio, pensando continuamente a tutte le cose che finalmente avrei potuto fare con un Obiettivo di simile Fama.Appena sveglio ero in trepidante attesa, ho aspettato per ore che il corriere arrivasse, sperando con tutto me stesso che non mi arrivasse un Obiettivo rotto, difettoso di fabbrica o rovinato per qualsivoglia ragione arcana ma per mia fortuna Amazon non mi ha mai deluso in vita mia e non lo ha fatto neanche questa volta. Il Corriere è arrivato in perfetto orario, ha gentilmente consegnato il pacco dopo avermi chiamato a telefono per avvisarmi della consegna e si è dileguato per fare altre consegne augurandomi una buona giornata, ancora una volta Amazon aveva fatto un lavoro PERFETTO nella consegna, confermandosi assoluta Leader nel Settore per professionalità ed affidabilità assoluta, 10/10 come sempre.Appena ricevuto il pacco avevo paura di aprirlo, infatti son rimasto a guardarlo per 3 orette circa senza avere il coraggio di aprirlo per non rimanerci male temendo di rovinare una giornata perfetta, ma conscio del fatto che era inevitabile mi son fatto coraggio ed ho aperto il Pacco.SORPRESA! Il Pacco era in uno stato pessimo, distrutto in ogni sua for....scherzo. Il pacco era come logica volesse perfetto in ogni suo stato, sia Amazon che Sigma Corporation avevano impacchettato l'Obiettivo con estrema cura ed attenzione, infatti sia la Scatola esterna che il SIGMA 16 mm erano in perfetto stato senza nemmeno un graffio, YESSS!!!!Da qui potrei scrivere un Libro su quanto dannatamente bello e divertente da utilizzare sia stato il SIGMA 16 mm ed anche ora che sto scrivendo questa recensione dopo mesi e mesi di utilizzo lo reputo ancora il Miglior Obiettivo sul mercato nonchè il Miglior Obiettivo che ho mai comprato in vita mia e ne ho acquistati un bel po prima che questo Capolavoro arrivasse nella mia collezione ma nessuno può competervi in modo alcuno.So che di Obiettivi sul mercato se ne trovano tantissimi e che tantissimi sono anche i dubbi che vi assalgono durante l'acquisto di un prodotto simile ma se avete letto tutta la mia recensione arrivando fino a questo punto ( e vi ringrazio di cuore per il tempo dedicatomi) avrete capito già da soli che non vi è acquisto migliore, pertanto compratelo tranquillamente e fatelo con un sorriso perchè sarà un'acquisto stupendo di cui andrete assolutamente fieri ed orgogliosi.Consiglio assolutamente l'acquisto. Non è un banale obiettivo, è un Capolavoro Multiuso con qualità costruttiva impeccabile che vi regalerà dei momenti di vita stupendi che potrete, grazie alla qualità visiva e resa cromatica dell'Obiettivo stesso condividere con chi vorrete, senza mai rimanere delusi del risultato finale. PROMOSSO!
Desde hace tiempo le tenia el ojo puesto a este lente y es verdad que es lo mejor que puede uno encontrar en focal fija para las series a6000 de sony, la calidad de los materiales se siente, es un poco grande pero al mismo tiempo da un aspecto mas profesional, en comparación con otros lentes similares baratos tiene una nitidez mucho mejor, no tiene aberraciones cromáticas ni distorsión exagerada, el tener motor autoenfoque lo convierte en una maravilla en especial para video. Vale totalmente la pena. Llego antes de lo que esperaba.

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The Sigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens for⁤ Sony E (402965) Black is a ⁣versatile lens suitable ​for both photography and videography. Its ⁢wide-angle focal length of 16mm combined ​with a fast maximum aperture⁢ of f/1.4 ⁣ensures exceptional image quality in low-light conditions. This lens is ideal for ‍capturing landscapes, architecture, and environmental portraits.


  • Outstanding image sharpness
  • Excellent low-light performance
  • Smooth bokeh effect
  • Compact and travel-friendly


  • Fixed focal length may limit‍ versatility
  • No image stabilization

2. ‍Canon ‍RF50mm F1.8 STM Lens, Compatible with EOS R System Mirrorless Cameras, Fixed Focal Length Lens

Canon RF50mm F1.8 STM Lens, Compatible with EOS R System Mirrorless Cameras, Fixed Focal Length Lens, Compact & Lightweight, Perfect for Everyday Shooting



Product Dimensions1.59 x 2.72 x 2.72 inches
Item Weight5.6 ounces
Item model number4515C002
Is Discontinued By ManufacturerNo
Date First AvailableNovember 4, 2020
ManufacturerCanon USA
Country of OriginMalaysia

  • Compact, Lightweight Fixed 50 millimeter Focal Length Lens.
  • Large F, 1.8 Aperture for Low-Light Photography and Creative Background Blur
  • A Stepping Motor (Gear-Type STM) Provides Smooth and Quiet Continuous AF During Video Recording, As Well As When Shooting Photos
  • Control Ring for Direct Setting Changes
  • Optimized Lens Placement and Coatings Help Deliver Outstanding Color Balance, While Minimizing Ghosting and Flare
  • Lens Compatible with the Mirrorless EOS R System (EOS R100, EOS R50, EOS R10, EOS R7, EOS RP, EOS R8, EOS R, EOS R6, EOS R6 Mark II, EOS R5, EOS R3, EOS R5 C)

User reviews

Great lens for the price. Ok, it’s cheap (price) and not L performance, unless you spend $$$$$. Keep in mind it’s 50m on a full frame sensor. Multiply by 1.6 for C sensors ( eg Canon R7). The good: It’s very sharp, again not L performance. Small and light, but well built. Fairly fast and accurate focus. The bad: noisy focus “motor”. Some distortion at the edges. Again, though better than kit lenses it is not L lens performance.
Super sharp pictures with this lens. I've been using zoom lenses for many years, but wanted to try a prime lens and after reading so many positives on this lens, I bought it. I shoot with a Canon R6 and you do NOT need an adaptor for this lens to fit the camera and the pictures I've taken with it are super sharp!! Plus, the price is extremely affordable!The only challenge, where it's a prime lens, you can't zoom in or out, you have to position yourself and the camera a lot more to get the pictures you want. This lens has more of a "zoomed-in" look, so I found that I have to step back further than I'm used to, to get everything in frame. It takes a little getting used to, but the results of this F1.8 lens are very impressive and produce the type of sharpness I've been wanting to get in my photos.If you've been searching camera lenses, you know that they can be very expensive, so with the low price of this lens, it's worth giving a try.
Great For The Price. This RF 50mm f1.8 is a relatively small, lightweight, sharp lens. It's great for travel as it doesn't take up too much space in a camera bag.In terms of sharpness (contrast), it performs well stopped down to f2.8. While it's not built like an "L" series lens, it doesn't feel cheap. Granted, it's not weather resistant, but it won't cost as much as an f1.2 either.I ended up getting a step-up ring to fit a 58mm lens cap just to keep it consistant with my other small primes.It compares pretty closely to the EF 50mm f1.8. Biggest advantage is that you don't need an EF/RF adapter to use it on your R-series camera body. That makes a major difference if you are trying to maintain as compact a system as possible (especially for travel).
90% of an L at 10% the price. There is no denying that there is something special about canon L glass, any more than you can deny that it is painfully expensive. The image has a special quality to it and for professional purposes where you make your money based on the quality of those images, go to town.Otherwise, this lens is great and you wouldn’t be disappointed with the quality unless you took a side by side comparison with the 50 1.2, in which case you might say something like “ok I get what $1800 more gets you”.But as far as image quality goes, I would argue that no non professional ever *needs* the L. Art is of course subjective and what the art you create is worth is subjective until it isn’t (when you’re a professional and can put monetary value on it).While it’s possible that you might value the weather sealing or build quality, you could destroy 10 of these and you still won’t have spent the value of 1 L. This lens is such a value buy it’s ridiculous. Props to canon for not selling this lens for 2-3x the cost, because I would have still paid that and had no regrets.
Awesome budget lens. This lens is a must have! Love using it! Beautiful image quality
Compact lens, decent performance. I love the small size. Images are sharp at wide open, but bokeh isn’t so nice. Good lens for the price and the light weight/slim profile. I prefer the Sigma 50mm f/1.4 with adapter (EF-R)
Good quality. Couldn't fit my sl3 I return it
Love the RF version of the Nifty-Fifty. Having used the EF version for years even adapted to an mirrorless R series camera this 50mm is a nice upgrade. Just as compact and lightweight as its sibling. Closer focal distance. Quiet and responsive focus. Sharp crisp photos. If using the control ring sor settings set it up to engage at exposure press of shutter as its location is prime for accidental adjustments.
If you cant aafford the 3K+ 24-105 2.8f, get some great prime lens.This one is so affordable and allows me to take great portrait shots. VERY light, feels like a feather 🙂
Es un lente ideal y no tan caro para comenzar con la montura rf
Muito obrigado chegou dentro do prazo bem embalado, tudo funcionando perfeitamente, vendedor muito prestativo recomendo
The lens has been matched well with the camera by Canon. I find it to be a good "go-to" lens while on the move. The AF is a bit noisy but fast enough to take candid pictures. The wide range of aperture gives one the necessary range for creativity. The focus/function ring on the lens frees one of the dials on the camera body for other quick adjustments. The lens is priced on the higher side and I feel that the price should be lower, given it's intended purpose. On the whole I feel that it a lens that will do justice in my photography.

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The Canon RF50mm F1.8‍ STM Lens is a must-have for photographers seeking a standard lens with excellent image quality and affordability. Its fixed focal ‌length of 50mm provides a natural ⁣perspective, making it suitable⁢ for a wide range of ‌photography genres, including portraits, street photography,​ and everyday snapshots.


  • Exceptional image sharpness and clarity
  • Affordable price
  • Compact and portable
  • Great for low-light photography


  • Fixed focal length may limit versatility
  • No ‌image stabilization

3. Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Telephoto Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras

Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Telephoto Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras



Product Dimensions4.8 x 2.8 x 2.8 inches
Item Weight1.06 pounds
Item model number6473A003
Is Discontinued By ManufacturerNo
Date First AvailableJune 17, 2003
Country of OriginUSA

Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Telephoto Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras.

User reviews

Great lens, worth the price. So far, I am very satisfied with this lens. I have only used it a few times, but my pictures have been fantastic, considering the cost of the camera and lens. I realize that there are more expensive lenses of higher quality, but I feel that I got more for the price than I expected.
Great lens. I got this for my wife as one of her Christmas presents, and it’s just been a joy watching her get her tripod out and zoom in on the birds in the yard and take pics. It does a really good job and for the price point I don’t think it can be beat.
Best for beginners and intermediate photographers alike. The Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Telephoto Zoom lens is an excellent choice for beginners venturing into telephoto photography. Its versatile focal range allows users to explore various shooting scenarios, from capturing distant subjects to achieving attractive background blur. The lightweight design makes it easy to handle, perfect for those new to interchangeable lenses. The autofocus is reliable, aiding in quick and precise subject capture. Despite its affordability, the lens delivers surprisingly sharp images, providing a solid foundation for budding photographers
great lens. great lens, came in perfect condition.
Good lens for the money. This is quality made lens that I use on my Canon Rebel T3. All the features work as they should and I have taken some good wildlife photography with the zoom. Keep in mind that the zoom is 4X and not a super zoom. It will reach out to capture some nice photo images, but use a tripod and set the shutter button on 2 second delay to ensure a steady shot. Getting a good manual focus takes practice.
Great product for price and easy to use for beginner photographer. These are some photos I was able to take with this lens using a Canon Rebel T7. It has auto focus and manual focus so as someone who is just getting to photography and hasn’t learned much about manual focus, this was all taken using auto focus! Lens isn’t too heavy and the clarity is quite good. I found that there wasn’t light bleeding into the photos and the edges don’t have that color gradient surrounding it. Definitely would recommend!
Value. First off I'm going to say that I bought this lens used for $100. I read plenty of reviews and most of them talked about how the amount of sharpness gets really low when you get around 300mm. This is true. From my testing, 75-200mm seems to be the sweet spots for this lens. I shot a few pictures out in the woods at 75mm f/4 of my Dad and the bokeh was pretty awesome. I also shot some pictures of birds at 300mm and it's just very unsharp the second you crop. The only way I've found to get good bird shots is to be really close to them. This is very difficult unless you're at a popular park where the birds are fairly used to humans. Here is a picture I took at 300mm and is only very slightly cropped [...] I was only a few feet from this bird. As you can see it's a sharp image due to VERY minimal cropping. It is difficult to fill the frame with these little birds let alone get close to them. Here is another bird at the same exact place [...] This was shot at 155mm, it was at Clingman's Dome in Gatlinburg which is a very popular place which makes these birds fairly used to humans. I put down some nuts right next to myself and it walked right up and took them and that's how I got this picture.Pros and ConsPros:Takes great portraits at 75mmVery inexpensive for what it isFairly well built for the priceCons:You lose almost all sharpness once you crop above 250mmThe zooming is not very smoothOverall, who would I recommend this to?I would recommend this to any beginner photographer who wants to take pictures of their family or friends that may also enjoying wildlife photography. This would also be a great lens for someone who doesn't really care much about photography but wants a nice zoom lens to sit on their porch and take pictures of wildlife from far away (birds, deer, etc)TL;DR: Overall great value, absolutely worth the buy.
Works great. The only negative this lenses has isn’t have the stabilizer so you must use a tripod.!! But this pictures I did it with the tripod.! And It works great.!
Produto de ótima.qualidade, novo, cumpre perfeitamente sua função
There was a tiny piece of dust that was inside the lens (visible on right side in pics) that I didn't notice until after I took my photos, but I had it replaced super quickly and easily which is great support, and the new one is perfect.This is a great beginner/budget zoom lens that is a big upgrade from the included kit lens on the Rebel T7. For the price, it does the job very well. The focal range covers a decent amount and I have only tested it at an air show, but it does make you work for the shot. Great value lens.Some drawbacks though is that there is no image stabilization, and the autofocus can be pretty slow and get confused especially on faster moving objects. I already expected those issues, since you get what you pay for, but for something that isn't the USM or higher end lenses it did way better than I thought it would. I had to use manual focus a fair bit so I missed some shots, but the ones I managed to get turned out way better than I expected.Overall for the price it is a great buy, especially if you plan on photographing slower/still subjects. For practice or casual/hobby photography this is a perfect starter for using telephoto/zoom lenses. I plan to try it on wildlife which may be easier than fast moving planes.
Llego en excelentes condiciones
Good product
Pour un amateur, je trouve cet objectif zoom de bonne qualité, maintenant, je n'ai pas un appareil haut de gamme non plus, mais pour un Monsieur tout le monde, c'est largement suffisant. Je recommande.

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The Canon‍ EF ‍75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Telephoto Zoom Lens is ideal for photographers interested in capturing distant subjects with enhanced ‌detail. With its telephoto zoom capability, this lens is perfect for sports,⁤ wildlife, and⁣ portrait photography. Its ⁤affordable price makes it an excellent choice for beginners or photographers on a budget.


  • Long zoom range for capturing distant subjects
  • Affordable price
  • Lightweight⁢ and ‍portable
  • Image stabilization for reducing blur


  • Variable aperture may limit low-light performance
  • Image quality may not match higher-end‍ telephoto lenses

4. Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN Art for Sony E Lens, Black

Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN Art for Sony E Lens ,Black



Product Dimensions4.92 x 3.46 x 3.46 inches
Item Weight1.83 pounds
Item model number578965
Is Discontinued By ManufacturerNo
Date First AvailableNovember 16, 2019

  • Package Dimensions: 10.5 cms (L) x 18.3 cms (W) x 19.3 cms (H)
  • Product Type: Camera Lenses
  • Package Quantity: 1
  • Country Of Origin: Japan

User reviews

Sigma 24-70mm: Exceptional Performance and Versatility. TL;DR:The Sigma 24-70mm lens offers exceptional performance and versatility for Sony E-mount cameras. With its fast aperture, sharp image quality, and solid build, it is a reliable choice for professional photographers and enthusiasts. When compared to the Sony G Master 24-70mm and Tamron 28-75mm lenses, the Sigma provides excellent value for its optical performance and build quality.Review:The Sigma 24-70mm lens is highly regarded for its exceptional performance and versatility on Sony E-mount cameras. It is designed to deliver outstanding results across a wide range of photography genres and is a popular choice among professional photographers and enthusiasts.One of the standout advantages of the Sigma 24-70mm lens is its fast aperture, providing a constant F2.8 throughout the zoom range. This feature allows for excellent low-light performance, shallow depth of field control, and beautiful background blur. Whether you're capturing portraits, events, or landscapes, the lens delivers impressive results in various lighting conditions.The image quality of the Sigma 24-70mm lens is outstanding, offering sharpness, clarity, and accurate color reproduction. It effectively minimizes distortions, chromatic aberrations, and other optical imperfections, ensuring crisp and detailed images. The lens captures fine details and renders accurate colors, enhancing the overall image quality.In terms of build quality, the Sigma 24-70mm lens is solid and durable, making it suitable for professional use. It features a robust construction and often includes weather sealing, providing protection against dust and moisture. This ensures reliability even in challenging shooting environments.When compared to the Sony G Master 24-70mm lens, the Sigma 24-70mm lens provides similar optical performance at a more affordable price point. While the Sony G Master lens may have some additional features and a more established brand reputation, the Sigma lens offers excellent value for its optical quality and build.Compared to the Tamron 28-75mm lens, the Sigma 24-70mm lens offers a wider zoom range and a faster constant aperture. This makes it more versatile in capturing a range of subjects and provides better low-light performance. However, the Tamron lens may be more compact and lightweight, making it a more portable option for certain shooting scenarios.In summary, the Sigma 24-70mm lens offers exceptional performance and versatility for Sony E-mount cameras. Its fast aperture, sharp image quality, and solid build make it a reliable choice for professional photographers and enthusiasts. When compared to the Sony G Master 24-70mm and Tamron 28-75mm lenses, the Sigma lens provides excellent value for its optical performance and build quality.Pros:- Fast aperture for excellent low-light performance and shallow depth of field control- Impressive image quality with sharpness, clarity, and accurate color reproduction- Solid build quality, often with weather sealing, for durability- Versatile lens suitable for a wide range of photography genresCons:- None mentioned.
Worth the price & weight. I'm a real estate photographer and shoot a little bit of everything when I'm not working. I did a lot of research on 24-70mm & 28-70mm lenses before deciding on this one. While it is cheaper than the Sony brand version, you would never know this isn't absolutely top of the line!For one, this lens is HEAVY. And while I have gotten wrist pain from lenses before (where your wrist braces!) it feels high quality and sturdy. You can easily tell the difference between this lens and a cheaper, plastic bodied one. It's also not too huge, since it expands when it zooms.The autofocus and manual focus are top notch. I've gotten sharp photos with this, even at the largest aperture. Also, I can (almost) shoot it all! My main interior lens is a 12-24 f/4, so with that lens and this one, I'm covering 12-70 bases.Pros:High QualityCheaper than the Sony brandname oneSharp & quick focusExpands when it zooms and withdraws into the lens when you zoom out (can't think of the proper words)Locks the zoom when not in useCons:HEAVY (but worth it)The lens hood is massive and a pain to pack when not in useHaven't used the Sony brandname, but know it's probably slightly better than thisI almost went with the 28-70 after watching Mitch Lally's Youtube videos, but here's my reasoning for choosing this one:More zoom optionsHigher quality, built to lastSharper
A wonderful everyday lens and pro level performance. I own the Sony a7R III with the standard 28-70 zoom lens. Once I put this on my camera, I practiced a few macro, night shots, and some day as well. It was exemplary on all fronts and the professional quality far exceeded the kit lens. It has a quick autofocus, a clarity, color and contrast that most consumers and pros would find it their go-to lens. The bokeh is creamy and pleasing. I am not a pro any by any means, but my images are starting look that way. It is a perfect companion to the a7RIII and the a7III and the a7II.This is not for portability as the lens weighs 1.8 lbs. I can fit the camera and lens in my backpack with no sweat. I'm sure there are pros out there with bodies and glass that offer capabilities that trounce my gear.. It's not optically perfect and distorts at 24 mm. The corners are soft, and the reverse direction zoom ring took a bit of getting used to. Yet, most things are fixable in post and with 42 megapixels, I have plenty of pixels to frame the shot it slightly outside the composition and crop off the edges.If you want to take your photography to the next level, this is the lens. The Sony G equivalent is twice the price and better in many respects. The question is, is the additional $1200 premium price worth it? I don't and I am simply ecstatic over this slightly imperfect yet stunning lens.The images are macros I took the night I got it and couldn't sleep! The other is my living room.
Essential Zoom, very nice build, great optical quality. In my opinion, the 24-70 2.8 zoom is the first high quality zoom that anyone should get for the camera.I moved from a Canon dslr to Sony mirrorless 9 years ago. I still kept my superb Canon EF 24-70 2.8 II lens and adapted to Sony A7R series, without any major issues on autofocus ability.Recently I have been shooting video along with my photography and realized that an adapted lens doesn’t do as well autofocusing in video.The Sigma seemed to be the first choice with price to performance being very good.I was really surprised at how good this lens was for both photography as well as video.The focusing was excellent on both video as well as still photography.This lens is actually made in Japan, which is a rarity nowadays.The colors are beautiful and the sharpness is excellent. It is also priced reasonably.I wish the rebate was in effect when I purchased it, but am happy for everyone that purchases it now with the $100 off.Highly recommended.
This camera lens is a little on the heavier side, but it produces clean and sharp images.
Llevo unos meses con este lente y se convirtió en mi lente principal.La calidad del lente es excelente, tiene muy buena nitidez, el desenfoque que realiza se mira excelente, yo lo uso en mi sony alpha 6000. Solo lo he usado para fotografía, para video solo unas pequeñas pruebas y se mira muy bien tambienEl único inconveniente es que si es muy pesado, es cuestión de acostumbrarse, si el peso no es un problema para lo que ofrece, es un excelente lenteLa aberración cromática si está presente pero no es nada exagerado, sólo en apertura amplias y aun así no son problema
Não tenho o que reclamar! O valor da lente foi razoável.
Ich habe diese Sigma Linse seit über 2 Jahren im Dauereinsatz und es war meine beste private Anschaffung für meine Fotografie.Der Preis hält sich konstant bei ca. 1200 EUR (ist sogar leicht gestiegen). Fast noch "Peanuts" für ein Objektiv im Profi Segment der Fotografie und des Filmens.Aber ich möchte jedem Einsteiger/ Fortgeschrittenen wirklich empfehlen sich mit dieser Linse auseinander zu setzen, der seine Fotografie (Filmen) auf ein höheres Level zu bringen bzw. sein Equipment verbessern möchte, zu einem sehr fairen Preis.Mit dem Set-Objektiv meiner Alpha Kamera war ich es gewohnt jedes Motiv 4 bis 6 mal abzulichten, um sicherzustellen das ein wirklich scharfes Bild mit dabei war (+ Mehrfachbelichtung da kamen viel Datenmüll zusammen + zeitlicher Mehrzeitaufwand zum späteren aussortieren).Falsche Handhabung schließe ich aus, da ich auf diesem Gebiet ausgebildet bin.Als ich aber das erste Mal die Bilder in Lightroom selbst verglichen habe, musste ich über meine FAST Freudentränen lachen, damit hatte ich wirklich nicht gerechnet: Gestochen Scharfe Bilder bei jedem Bild - bis in jeder Ecke des Bildrandes.Es gibt Produkttests im Netz, in denen die Bilder bei 1/10 Belichtungszeit - AUS der HAND geschossen werden - noch knackescharf sind. Das kann ich absolut bestätigen.Ich habe mehrere Jahre in einem Kamera/ Technik Verleih gearbeitet und kann aus Erfahrung wirklich sagen das diese Linse problemlos (wenn nicht sogar besser ist) gegen Linsen die Preislich ab 3000 - 4000 EUR (und darüber liegen) mithalten kann.Gewicht hat das Objektiv aber schon, dessen sollte man sich bewusst sein. Wer damit aber kein Problem hat, wird mit diesem robusten Schmuckstück sehr viel Spaß haben.
I was in a fix and not able to decide which lens to buy that could fulfil all the requirements as I had the budget to buy only one lens. After extensive time on the internet, I decided to give this lens a shot and now after using the product for 2 days, I am so happy about the choice I made. Just go for this one and you will never regret your choice.

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The Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 DG ‍DN Art for Sony E Lens is ⁤a professional-grade lens designed for Sony E-mount cameras. Its⁢ versatile focal length range of 24-70mm makes it suitable ‌for a wide ‌range of photography genres, including landscapes, portraits, and events.⁣ With a fast maximum aperture of f/2.8, this lens excels in low-light conditions.


  • Superb image quality and sharpness
  • Weather-sealed ‍for durability
  • Fast and accurate autofocus
  • Excellent low-light performance


  • Relatively large and heavy compared to other‌ lenses
  • Higher‍ price point

5.⁢ Canon⁢ RF 24-70mm F2.8 L is USM Lens, Black

Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L is USM Lens, Black



Product Dimensions3.5 x 3.5 x 4.9 inches
Item Weight1.98 pounds
Item model number3680C005
Date First AvailableAugust 28, 2019
ManufacturerCanon USA

  • High image quality and bright f/2.8 aperture zoom RF L lens
  • Optical image stabilization of up to 5 Stops of shake correction
  • High speed, smooth and quiet autofocus with Nano USM
  • Min. Focusing distance of 0.69 ft by 0.21M (wide), 1.25 ft. by 0.38M (tele)
  • A control ring for direct setting changes
  • Lens compatible with Canon Mirorrless Cameras (EOS RP, EOS R, EOS R5, EOS R6)

User reviews

Exemplary Optics with Room for Improvement - Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM Lens, 5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟. Embarking on the photographic journey with the Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM Lens has been an absolute joy. This lens has redefined my understanding of photographic quality and reliability. However, no product is perfect, and while I wholeheartedly give it a 5-star rating, I will also discuss some aspects that could be improved.📷🌌 Superior Optics and Remarkable Versatility: The Canon RF 24-70mm lens is a dream come true for photographers seeking versatility and top-tier performance. Its focal length range makes it ideal for a plethora of photography styles, including landscapes, portraits, and street photography. The lens’s maximum F2.8 aperture provides the flexibility to shoot in low-light conditions while also achieving a shallow depth-of-field, giving beautiful bokeh effects.🎯🚀 Precision Autofocus and Image Stabilization: The lens comes equipped with an Ultrasonic Motor (USM) for autofocus, which operates at lightning speed and with stunning accuracy. The in-built Image Stabilization system deserves applause for its ability to offer up to 5 stops of shake correction, an essential feature for handheld shooting.💪🏽⛈️ Robust Build and Durability: This lens feels like a professional tool, thanks to its robust build quality. The weather-sealed construction assures reliability even in adverse conditions. It’s sturdy yet surprisingly lightweight, considering the broad range and speed it offers.👀🌈 Exceptional Image Quality: The Canon RF 24-70mm lens delivers an impressive image quality, with fantastic sharpness, superb color reproduction, and contrast. Chromatic aberration, distortion, and flare are all well-controlled, contributing to an excellent overall image quality.🔄🔝 Innovative Control Ring: The addition of the customizable control ring represents innovative design thinking. This feature can be programmed for multiple functions, including aperture, shutter speed, ISO, or exposure compensation, allowing photographers to make quick adjustments without having to navigate the camera menu.Now, let's address the areas where this lens could do better:🖼️📏 Size and Bulk: Despite its many strengths, the Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM Lens is not without its shortcomings. Its most notable is its size. The lens, although offering superb image quality and performance, is quite large compared to its DSLR counterparts. This increased bulk can be cumbersome for those used to a more compact setup or those who are always on the go.💼🏞️ No Lens Case Included: Another minor drawback is the absence of a dedicated lens case in the package. Given the significant investment this lens represents, the inclusion of a protective case would have been a welcome addition for safe storage and transport.🔍🌑 Slight Vignetting: Additionally, some photographers might notice slight vignetting at wider apertures. While this is a common occurrence with many lenses, especially zooms, it's worth mentioning for those who prefer their images to be as clean as possible.In summary, the Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM lens deserves its 5-star rating 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟. It offers versatility, superior image quality, and a robust build that is designed to last. The minor downsides do not significantly detract from the overall experience of using this lens. If you're looking for a lens that will serve you well across a range of photographic situations, the Canon RF 24-70mm should be on top of your list. It is an investment worth making for the incredible images it produces, despite the slight increase in size and the few areas it could improve. Here's to capturing life's moments with unmatched clarity and color! 📷🎉
So sharp and fast. I am a new into the full frame Canon RF series and I had some older unusable lens that I tried for some time. This went on sale, and I just went with it because it seems like a good standard range lens and the reviews are great.When I started shooting with my EOS R5 I could not believe the speed and picture quality. Auto Focus is almost instant, and stabilization is very good.Just wish it was a bit cheaper and lighter because this is a beast to carry around. Overall though I am pleased with this lens.
Great lens! Just be aware of how the stabilization works for video. This is a great lens! The pictures are very sharp, focus is accurate and fast with this lens on the EOS R. With the firmware update, the eye detect is a dream to use. The only two big drawbacks are the price and the size. I shoot video so the size and weight are actually a benefit for me, and the price is high but it is a high quality lens.My only other complaint is how image stabilization works for video. The electronic stabilization in the body can cause the frame to move trying to track a person in frame even when the camera is still, causing a very odd, unnatural look to the footage (I am talking about with the normal stabilization, not the enhanced). For some reason, with digital stabilization off and just using lens IS, it still does the same thing. I usually only have this issue when shooting a close up of a person that is mostly filling the frame, but it is something to keep in mind. This should be an amazing feature for photographers because it will stabilize not just your camera but help even with a moving subject. For video I find I sadly need to turn off IS sometimes because I can get a better looking shot handheld without getting the weird camera movements that the IS can cause. I am a hybrid shooter so I love it for photos.The focus is smooth and silent for video which is great. The F2.8 aperture gives a good amount of light and at the 70mm end of your zoom you can get some nice bokeh too.Overall I definitely highly recommend the lens and the stabilization issue is probably a software related issue in how they've implemented it to get the 5 stops and is something they could address with a setting added in firmware in the future. As long as you are aware of it, is something you can probably work around.
Top quality and performance. This changed my game. I’m able to manage everything with this one lens. And image quality and focus is great. Worth for every penny.
Excellent lens. Bought this lens for my Canon R camera overall it was not much better than the EF version with an adapter. Even the 24 to 105 Rf lens to me is good enough. For me I am mostly a hobbyist with a few paid jobs here and there and it was not worth paying extra money for this lens.
Works well
I also chose several dealers, and finally decided on this lens, as I wished, the delivery was fast, the packaging was complete, and it feels great after using it for a while. It is a trustworthy product and seller.
scenic pictures
Very dynamic lens that produces excellent image quality with no distortion..
La qualité de l'image est impeccable, facile à travailler. Hyper satisfaite!

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The Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L is USM Lens ​is a high-performance lens designed for Canon RF mount ‌cameras. ⁣Its versatile focal length range of ⁣24-70mm makes it suitable for various photography genres, including weddings, ⁤events,⁤ and travel. ​With a fast⁢ maximum aperture of f/2.8, this lens delivers stunning image quality and excellent low-light capabilities.


  • Outstanding image quality and ‌sharpness
  • Weather-sealed for durability
  • Effective image stabilization
  • Fast ⁤autofocus for capturing decisive moments


  • Relatively large⁤ and heavy compared to other lenses
  • Higher price point

Buyer’s ‍Guide to Choosing the Best Camera Lenses

When it comes to buying camera lenses, it is essential to consider your specific photography needs and budget. Here ⁣are⁣ a few key factors to keep in mind:

  • Focal Length: Determine the focal length range suitable ‍for your photography style.
  • Aperture: Consider the maximum aperture for low-light capabilities and depth of field ‍control.
  • Image Stabilization: Decide whether‍ image stabilization is necessary for handheld shooting.
  • Compatibility: Ensure the lens is compatible with your camera system.
  • Build ‌Quality: Consider the⁤ construction and durability⁤ of ‍the lens.


Choosing the​ best camera lens in 2024 requires⁣ careful consideration of your photography needs, budget, and gear compatibility. The Sigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens, Canon RF50mm F1.8 STM ⁤Lens, Canon EF‍ 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Telephoto Zoom Lens, ⁢Sigma 24-70mm​ F2.8 DG⁣ DN Art for Sony E Lens, and Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L is ⁤USM Lens are all outstanding ​options depending on your shooting preferences. ​Remember to prioritize factors such as image quality, versatility, and price to make the best decision for your photography journey.


Q: Are camera lenses interchangeable?

A: Camera lenses are ​interchangeable, but compatibility may vary between lens mounts and camera systems. Ensure that the lens you choose is compatible with your camera ⁤before purchasing.

Q: Does a ‍higher price always mean better lens quality?

A: While higher-priced lenses often offer superior image quality and additional features, it is not always the case. Consider your photography‍ needs and budget to make the best ⁢decision.

Q: Can⁤ I use these lenses on ‌a smartphone?

A: Typically, these lenses are designed for DSLR⁣ or mirrorless ‌cameras and may not be directly compatible with smartphones. However, there are ‍separate lens attachment options available for smartphone photography.

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